Social recruiting should be an essential element of any recruitment strategy, and as technology continues to develop at a great pace, we’re making way for more and more social platforms and mobile apps which recruiters need to embrace if they are to stay connected with the talent marketplace, now and in the future.

Whilst LinkedIn is still commonly used by both job seekers and recruiters alike, we need to look beyond the more ‘traditional’ social platforms and understand the potential of some of the newer channels that could provide access to potential candidates you may not find elsewhere. Instagram, Snapchat and Pinterest for example, now have more users than LinkedIn in the UK.

Let’s take the new generation on the block – Gen-Z, that doesn’t know a world without the internet or mobile phones. In a 2015 study by Vision Critical, Generation Z was said to spend almost 16 hours a week on their smartphones, on social sites including Facebook, which was the most popular, closely followed by Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube.  As the next generation entering the workplace, surely we need to be tapping into these social networks in order to grab their attention and sell our employer brand to them?

Other research suggests that a quarter of all job seekers use social media as their platform of choice to find a job, with 70% of 18-34-year-olds stating they found their previous job through social media. More and more employee referrals are coming in through social media too so as recruiters, we need to make sure we stay ahead of the curve and are seen in the same places where our candidates are.

What’s more, mobile recruiting is becoming increasingly popular with today’s job seekers who reportedly now own, or have access to at least five portable devices. The need for companies to offer an engaging mobile platform is all the more important as 66% of individuals would apply for a job on a mobile device if the application process was quick and simple, according to a recent survey by Indeed. Similarly, in a survey by IBM, more than half of candidates find companies with responsive sites much more desirable than those without, so now’s the time for recruiters to re-think mobile platforms as part of their overall game plan.

One-click applications via social networks are also much more desirable, especially to Generation Z that expects instant communication and feedback in every aspect of their lives. As the workforce of the future, to attract and retain this generation, companies that offer an engaging mobile platform that is quick and simple will be the most successful.

The use of video and now live streaming over social media platforms should also be a key consideration for recruiters looking to attract talent to their organisation. Facebook and YouTube now show 360° videos, making them even more engaging. For recruiters, these could be used to promote the company culture more effectively and really give candidates a feel for the organisation before they join.

In the same way, live streaming can also enhance the recruitment process, helping make candidates feel more involved as companies could stream live footage from their office; an interview with existing employees or; a Q&A session, to interact directly with potential candidates, all through social networks in the palm of your hand.

Social media offers recruiters unrivalled access to millions of candidates and as recruiters, we should look to expand our reach to not only incorporate the more traditional networks such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook, but also the newest channels, some of which have already overtaken in popularity, particularly to source and attract the next generation of the workforce, Gen-Z.

Omni RMS is a leader in social recruiting and has been training businesses on how to use social media to recruit more effectively for years. If you are looking to improve the quality of candidates and promote your employer brand across social media, contact the Omni team today to find out more about our leading recruitment training.