Reducing Spending & Establishing NHS as an Employer of Choice

Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust (GSTT) is one of the largest Trusts in the UK, employing more than 15,000 people with 2.3 million patient contacts each year. In early 2016, GSTT ran a competitive tender for the provision of recruitment services to help secure and build a specialist IT service, selecting Omni as their preferred resourcing partner to recruit permanent hires to replace existing contractor roles in the department.

Aims & Objectives

In order to improve efficiency and reduce agency spending in line with Government spending caps introduced across the NHS, GSTT were looking to reduce their contractor spend specifically within their IT department.

Cost improvement in terms of permanent recruitment was key and GSTT was looking for a supplier who could streamline internal processes, improve time spent on recruiting permanent staff, especially as a number of roles had been vacant for a significant period of time, as well as enhance the Trust’s employer brand.

Key Contract Achievements

  • The success of the partnership between both Omni & GSTT was recognised in the 2017 CIPS Awards for Best Supplier Relationship Management.
  • Omni has recruited more than 100 hires into GSTT, bringing in some of the best talents from across the IT sector, without the offer of the most lucrative salaries. Both Omni and GSTT worked together to create such a strong EVP that speaks for itself far more than a lucrative remuneration package because they share the same passion and understanding about what the Trust stands for.
  • 80% of all roles recruited to date have been directly sourced by Omni.
  • The number of internals and referrals has increased dramatically as both organisations’ work together to recognise existing talent and provide opportunities to progress as well as encouraging existing agency and/or contractor staff to return to permanent work within the Trust as a result of the strong EVP.
  • The Trust has been able to meet the Government agency spending caps as they have achieved substantial cost savings with the replacement of contractors with permanent hires.
  • The reputation of GSTT, as well as the overall reputation of the NHS as an employer of choice, has been enhanced in their local community. The underlying message to candidates has been efficiency, innovation, expertise and the opportunity to work on life-changing projects that make a real difference
    to healthcare in their community.
  • Significantly improved time to hire. Some of the specialist vacancies included within the scope of the initial project had remained unfilled for almost two years and Omni has successfully filled these long-standing roles within three months. Since working with Omni, the average time to hire has been reduced from 90 days to 30 days.
  • Compliance across the Trust’s IT hiring community has reached 100% with all processes standardised, hiring managers’ training being brought up-to-date and consistency achieved across the entire recruitment process.
  • The development of a specialist talent pool for GSST is something they’ve never had access to before and it is helping to support their future workforce planning.

For more information on how Omni can help you change the way you resource for the better contact Mike Sixsmith:
e: [email protected]
t: 07711596153