If you're looking to evaluate the impact of your recruitment efforts, this guide on calculating your Recruitment Return on Investment (ROI) is a must-read.
This informative guide that we at Omni have developed breaks down how to assess whether your hiring strategies are bringing real value to your organisation. By understanding recruitment ROI, businesses can transform their talent acquisition approach from being just another operational cost into a key driver of profitability.
The guide covers the essential metrics required for calculating recruitment ROI. You’ll learn about important factors like time-to-hire, cost-per-hire and first-year attrition rates. These data points are crucial for tracking recruitment performance and ensuring you’re making informed decisions.
Additionally, the guide includes a practical Recruitment Cost Calculator that helps you determine both internal and external recruitment costs. It covers everything from job board fees and recruitment agency charges to internal resources like HR salaries and onboarding expenses.
The final step is using the ROI formula to determine the financial return of each new hire. The guide walks you through this calculation, showing how you can weigh the financial value that new hires bring against the costs involved in hiring them. This provides a clear understanding of how recruitment impacts your bottom line.
Overall, this is an essential tool for any organisation looking to optimise their recruitment strategy, streamline costs, and boost overall business performance.